Projectile Inventories
- Create event-based UI Elements.
- Create Projectile Stat modifying inventory slots.
- Create Inventory backgrounds/foregrounds.
- Create custom buttons.
- Set default inventory positions and...
- Use game options to reset inventory positions to default.
- Allow map scene to operate as per normal in the background.
- Drag and drop map inventories to re-position them.
- Setup inventory buttons and grid graphics.
- Modify projectile stats based on player set projectile.
- Each Item is its own instance and occupies a single slot.
- Move items between inventories by drag/drop.
This plugin is an extension for the projectile system. The projectile system is required for running this plugin.
Let's get started!
Before we get started on the item, weapon, armor and inventory configuration, we need to look at the projectile stat names (PATK, PDEF, PMAT, PMDF, PAGI, PLUK).
These stats can be used in the damage formula for projectile skill. The names seen in the image above follow RPG Maker message box escape key codes:
A majority of these escape key codes wouldn't make much sense to use here but the most important would be the \I[n] which allows you to draw text icon.
- ITEM/WEAPON/ARMOR CONFIGURATION: Setup the projectile modifier for each projectile group specifically, modifier player stats.
Items, weapons and armors are configured in the same way. There is no difference in setup between them.
Firstly, "Name" parameter does the most absolute of nothingness. It only helps with identifying configurations without having to double clip the item parameter and without opening each and every configuration to find a specific setup.
Item is the item configured. Please only setup one at a time. Duplicates will be ignored.
Projectile Data Modification modifies the properties of the projectile group:
In the image above, for the configured projectile group named "player" the parameters in the image will be modified additively.
Battler stats are applied for projectile stats only. Base stats are not modified via this system as of current version.
- INVENTORY CONFIGURATION: Allows you to setup inventories with specific items/armors/weapons allowable in the inventory. Also allows you to use items to create event based UI elements. Multiple can be setup.
"Unique Name" is self-explanatory no? Please keep ALL projectile inventory names unique. If a duplicate is used, only the first instance will be used.
Default Active means that the projectile inventory will be open when added. Clicking the button for the inventory will toggle this in-game.
Pickup Item will determine if map dropped items can be automatically added to the inventory or not. If true, items dropped on map can be added to the inventory directly. If false, items must be manually added to the inventory.
If "No Button" parameter is true, the inventory must be moved via code or other means and can only be opened and closed via plugin commands or code.
Above is for MV users, MZ users can refer to the plugin commands.
Type is an identifier type useable for those who may want inventories to hold the same types. No real "function" as of current version.
Use the parameters "Position X" and "Position Y" to set the button screen position of the inventory. If the button is off screen or overlaps another inventory button, an auto-correction is performed.
Note: When dragging the inventory Button, the pivot point is centered mainly for aesthetic reasons.
"Grid Offset X" and "Grid Offset Y" modify the position of the inventory grid using the button position as an origin. "Grid Size" Will modify the size of the inventory slot and as such, it does not matter if you use large graphic for inventory slot, just pay particular attention to this parameter when setting up the inventory.
Background graphics and...
Foreground Graphics are a list of graphics drawn and layered from first (bottom) last (top)
Button graphic will determine the click area for the button as well as the inactive/active graphic will be used when the inventory is open/closed.
is used for inactive inventory.
is used for active inventory.
"Slot graphic" is the graphic used for inventory slot. Its size is irrelevant as it is automatically resized to the "Grid Size" parameter setting.
"Default Property Slot Graphic" is not particularly important here.
"Max Columns" are the number of slots on the X-axis whilst "Max Rows" are the number of slots on the Y-axis.
It is possible to setup banned items/weapons/armors for each inventory. This means that the item in question cannot be added to the inventory. This includes dragging in between inventories.
If allowed items is empty, it will be ignored completely whereas you can specify banned items in particular by selecting them.
The last two parameters for inventory configuration are property and ignored coordinates.
Property coordinates are the inventory coordinates used to apply the configured item/weapon/armor battler stats and projectile settings.
In the case of the image above, at x = 0, y = 0 which is the top-left most inventory slot, you can move an item/weapon/armor to this inventory slot and its configured parameters will be applied.
Ignored coordinates will be coordinates that will not have an inventory slot drawn for it. In the case of the image, if this is set, the top-left most inventory grid will not be drawn nor used.
In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:
Development log
- v1.2 - StackablesMay 28, 2024
- Map Inventories extension for projectile system released!Jun 19, 2023