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Reminds me of Blue Mage from FF11 especially the certain skiils grant passives while equipped.   You should make it to where certain skills require more equip slots like a powerful skill taking up 3 slots.

does thin plug in allow passive states, that increase damage for fire spells for example, and not just resistance to the element?

Elemental damage bonus is not part of this plugin sorry. What you may want is Skill Construct

It doesn't allow direct damage but it does allow skill customization

I'm running into a problem where only attack and guard are appearing in the equip menu. I've looked through the plugin, and the skills but I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong here.

Are the skills learned skills or skills from equipment/additional skills?


Encountered another bug, skills gained from armour can be casted, even if the user doesn't have enough MP to do so.  It actually sends them into negative MP for a second or two.

Thanks for reporting! I'll check it out

I'm having a issue where in skills given from armour aren't being able to be selected, it also seems for whatever reason despite selecting max skills as 6, actors can only equip 5. I can post a screenshot of my plugin list if needed.

Do you have skills set as always equipped?

I did and then tried without, interestingly enough skills equipped on weapons and boots seem to work correctly. but other then that no.

Hello, please post a clip or video of what is happening as well as the skills and abilities the actor has learnt outside of weapons/armors

In this instance there isn't any currently learned skills it's a completely fresh test save.

And I can see you clearly have the MP to use the skill as well as they are additional skills and should be wholly unaffected by the script. Thanks for reporting!



I am running into issues with this plugin again. It seems to disable skills randomly. I have tried placing it in different orders within my plugins, but to no avail.

What plugins are you using this with?

Mostly a lot of Visu Stella

Hey, I am running into issues with this plugin. When I try to use them together, most of my skills become unusable. Is there a solution to this?

What are the conditions in which skills do become useable?

(1 edit)

It only works for 1 class, and I have no idea why. I have triple checked all the normal things. Also I have tried several different arrangements in the plugin menu, to no avail ;-;

I.e. skills only work for 1 class.

Do you have the resources to use those skills in battle? Have you disabled either plugin to determine which is causing skills to not show? Skill Equip disables skills if they are not able to be used at that point in time.



Issue report imo: as shown below, normally mz displays when an actor hasnt enough resources to use a skill by making it "half-gray".

However, i activated your plugin in your demo project and suddenly the skills are looking "normal" like they are usable even when you cant actually use them. Same in battle, but i wanted to show the empty resouce bars at the same time

I think this leads to confusion.

Thank you for reporting!


Enjoying your plugin! It appears compatible with core stuff by Visustella, as far a i can tell.
A proposal on what could be added: 

Since my actor can equip 4 skills simultaneously, it would be pretty neat if the second skill he ever learns gets added directly to his equipped skills without having to go into the menu and choose/activate it.

For example, the Pokemon games are doing this, always checking whether theres space for a new learned skill and if yes, the part of equipping it gets "skipped". 

Maybe theres some simple way doing this that i havent discovered yet, but otherwise, this would be my suggestion.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'll consider it for future updates.

(1 edit)


i downloaded ur plugin recently, but i cant use it. Everytime i open the skill scene and choose an actor, the game crashes with the notification:  SynrecSkillEq.Skill_Configurations is not a function
pretty basic i assume  

however, even in your clean demo project this issue keeps happening and i dont know what to do. I tried initializing the actors/classes i want to have equippable skills, and even re-downloaded your demo project and started it without altering anything, i ran into the same problem

what am i overlooking?

Bug has been patched, thanks for reporting

is it compatible with visustella plugins?

Visustella's plugins are obfuscated. Please contact them regarding compatibility checks or coordinate a meeting with the developer group for a convenient time to develop for cross compatibility.

If there are specific issues to be tackled. You can post it and I'll try to deal with it barring the issue does originate from my plugin

Hey, I am loving the plugin. One of the new updates made me able to make one of my game's main mechanics work perfectly.

Glad you like it ๐Ÿ‘

So... I am by no means in a hurry, but have you thought about adding a feature to this plugin that would allow you to reorder the skills? I would be willing to pay personally for this feature to be added, if you need an extra incentive.

Can you explain what you mean by reorder?

Like you can equip skills, but the order they appear depends on the order they appear in the database. I want to be able to switch that order up in-game, or maybe via notetags within the database. Idk.

Is this plugin compatible with the Monster Capture Core plugin?

Yes and should any issues pop up, please let me know

Thanks! Will do!


There seems to be a bug with the 'Hide Equip' Notetag not working for the default 'Attack' and 'Guard' skills.

Also, I found a minor bug where sometimes skills tagged with "Always Active" would be able to be unequipped, and thus not count towards the "Max Skills" count.

Aside from that this plugin is fantastic!

Alawyer active means that the skill is always there in that it does not count towards equipped skills, as for Hide Equip, can you expand on that issue?


In the first screenshot, I had put the <Hide Equip> note tag on the "Attack" skill.

And for some reason, it still shows up in the skill equip menu.

Though I admit, this could be the cause of plugin conflicts - I'm not too sure.

Try moving the plugin to the very bottom of the plugin list

Thanks, that worked! :)

Cool, all the best!

Unfortunately, I'm having the same issues and moving the plugin to the bottom didn't work. My issues are that "Hide Equip" doesn't hide the Skill and if a Skill has "Always Active" I can toggle it on and off even though it stays the color Red. 

Love the plugin overall, but any help with the issues would be much appreciated!


Can you tell me the load order of the plugins you have? Or if you have certain UI modification elements?

I bought this and it's great. However, would it be possible to make it so that the "Max Skills" notetag can apply to classes? I want to do a class change system where each of the classes has a different number of equippable skills.

Speaking of, could you make it so that the "always on" skills bypass the equip system through a notetag instead of via a skill type?

I'll take those adjustments into consideration, thank you for the support!

ok, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

(2 edits)

Nice Plugin, but ran into a problem, I am doing a transformation skill, when transformed is given a state that runs a common event that teaches the user new skills. But with the plugin the new skills does not show. so the question, can skill or skill type be exempted from the list?

This is on an actor with skill equip enabled or no?


With it enabled

Thank you.

can this be turned on/off for specific actors?

Nope but not difficult to implement

Nice, would it be possible to add, have been looking for something like this.


Wow, I have been wanting this forever.


i think there should be a way to have the equip not be a separate thing, and instead just let you equip from the main skill type


thanks for the feedback