v1.0.0 - A stupidly massive update.

This update in summary brings fully customizable UI, many tweaks, many adjustments.

  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_Core" is no longer supported.
  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_BattleCore" is no longer supported.
  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_Beastiary" is no longer supported.
  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_Breeder" is no longer supported.
  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_Evolution" is no longer supported.
  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_GenderTraits" is no longer supported.
  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_MergeActors" is no longer supported.
  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_PlayerSetup" is no longer supported.
  • Notice: File "Synrec_MC_PowerPoints" is no longer supported.

The above files have been merged into a new file "Synrec_MonsterCapture".

  • New: UI Customizer added for Beastiary, Breeder, Evolution, Reserve Boxes and Main Menu. Recommended to use Preloader plugin included in project folder.
  • New: Battle scene has parameter settings to fully customize the Swap Window
  • New: Battle scene has parameter settings to add info windows which are hidden when battle log messages are displayed
  • New: States which block swapping can be set in battle UI configuration.
  • New: States which block evolution can now be set in evolution UI configuration.
  • Adjustment: You can adjust settings for evolution to allow for actor data window before and after evolution.
  • New: Game over has settings to cost player an item for continuation.
  • New: Can set player name
  • New: Can set multiple graphic options for the player (Can be changed using game variable)
  • Adjustment: Reserve Boxes will now only move the actors. Use ['Shift'] or click inside window to change the active window
  • New/Adjustment: The breeder access is now map dependent, i.e.: actors stored in breeder is now stored for that map and not globally.
  • Adjustment: On using capture item, target enemy will "collapse". If capture fails, enemy will reappear
  • Adjustment: Capture rate is no longer a divisor of 255, it now relies on a number between 0 ~ 1
  • Adjustment: EXP Growth for actors stored in breeder is now dependent on map configuration set EXP Growth
  • Fixes: A crap ton.
  • Etc... (Because I probably missed a lot of changes in between)


Monster Capture.zip 406 MB
6 days ago
Synrec_BattleMovement.js 13 kB
6 days ago
Synrec_MapEnemies.js 19 kB
6 days ago
Synrec_MapSpawns.js 19 kB
6 days ago
Synrec_MonsterCapture.js 295 kB
6 days ago
Synrec_Plugin_Backup.js 7.6 kB
6 days ago
Synrec_Preloader.js 31 kB
6 days ago
Synrec_TextSounds.js 7.1 kB
6 days ago

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