Tactical Zones (EXTENSION ONLY!)
- Create actor/enemy zones
- Carry actor/enemy (With custom graphic)
- Collect multiple battlers
- Controlled teleportation of battler
- Aura Effects
Setup character graphic (Step Anime ON by default) to display for zone region. Zone region has multiple types of actions:
- Restore (Recover battler resources)
- Revive (Revive the battler)
- Reserve (Remove the battler from battle)
Actions are in order of:
- Reserve
- Revive
- Restore
Teleportation in the extension can currently handle a single battler and is only within the move range of the teleport controller.
Carry graphic is set in the actor/enemy plugin parameters.
You may set skills/items to have a pickup type instead of forcibly setting a pickup type for the battler in the plugin parameters which adds an extra command to the TBS command window.
Types include:
- Carry: Pick up a single target from any of the targets affected.
- Floater: Pick up all targets (Up to the battlers collect limit) affected.
- Teleport: Teleport a single target from any of the targets affected.
You can setup carry information here to allow/block skill/item when carrying a battler.
In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:
Development log
- Update: Improved ZonesAug 07, 2024
- v1.4 - Some fixes and new stuffDec 23, 2023
- v1.3 - Aura and Resource ModeDec 17, 2023
- v1.2 - Bug FixesJun 19, 2023
- v1.1 - Minor stuffMar 31, 2023
- Zones Released!Mar 20, 2023
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Can I disable permadeath for some actors?
This plugin does not have permadeath