v7 - You might wanna sit down for this one

Well, first things first. The first extension made exclusively for this system is released:

RPG Maker MZ: Tactical Scene Motions (EXTENSION ONLY) by Synrec (itch.io)

It comes with several new features including side view enemies so give it a check out whenever you are able.

Now for the notes:

  • Fixed and improved confuse movement and actions. Now, if an actor is confused, it checks for valid battlers and abilities and executes them. Type two (2) restriction (Attack anyone) causes the battler to move anywhere randomly and randomly use skills.
  • Fixed and improved movement and actions. Everytime move function is called, a check is performed to determine if the battler can execute any skill at current location. If true, the battler stops the move phase and enters the action phase. This is only for auto battlers.
  • Improved smart pathing AI. Please let me know if any wonky behavior occurs
  • Removed a lot of duplicate code. Increased debug efficiency going forward.
  • Modified the TOS for clarification.
  • Added plugin parameters to setup actor and enemy placement on the battle scene
  • Auto battlers can now take part in the battle scene.
  • Battle scene has been modified to account for the actor and all battlers in the attack coordinates
  • Auto battlers (enemies included) now check for valid origin point within skill range
  • Able to shape the damage area via line, square or normal.
  • Able to add an exclusion area to the skill/item damage area.
  • General code efficiency modifications


Tactical_Battle_System_MZ.zip 94 MB
Jul 31, 2022
Synrec_TBS.js 381 kB
Jul 31, 2022

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