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This is an extension for the tactical battle system. It is NOT a stand-alone plugin. It also will NOT operate for non-tactical battle situations.

If the plugin disrupts gameplay during non-tactical battle. PLEASE contact me.

Features (During Tactical Battle Only):

  • Unlimited character frames. Uses the same format for character direction but the number of frames are now unlimited. Please use one character file per motion
  • Character map motions (no limit to types)
  • Map action sequences 
  • Cut - in graphics
  • Action Motion inheritance
  • Screen Effects
  • Modify States
  • Modify Buffs
  • Play Music/Sounds
  • Play events
  • Execute custom code

Use map motions to have to characters perform actions on the map.

> Actor refers to the actor the motion data is configured for.

> Idle motion plays when the character is in 'wait' status.

> Moving motion plays when the character is in 'move' status.

> Action motion plays when the character is in 'action' status.

Please be careful when setting idle, moving and action motions. These will be the motions the character defaults to when a reset motion is called.

> Motion Name is used as the identifier for the motion. Be careful not to use duplicates, any motion with same name will not be used. Priority is given to first occurance.

> Motion Loop will prevent the motion from going to the default set motion for battler status when motion is complete and will instead loop to the first pattern.

> Motion frames

This is a five frame motion.

This is a three frame motion.

This is a one frame motion.

> Motion speed refers to how fast the motion plays. (Lower = faster)

You can setup map sequences for skills here.

List Of Types:

  • Movement: Map battler will move via walking. 

Movement Configuration can move user/targets (Scope) by a certain number of paces (Magnitude) in a certain direction:

  • Towards the user: Moves scoped targets towards the user.
  • Forward:  Moves scoped targets towards the targets (Takes central coordinate).
  • Backward: Moves scoped targets away from the targets (Takes central coordinate).
  • Up/Down/Left/Right: Moves scoped targets in set direction.

  • Jump: Map battler will move via jump.

Jump Configuration can jump user/targets (Scope) by a certain number of paces (Magnitude) in a certain direction:

  • Towards the user: Moves scoped targets towards the user.
  • Forward:  Moves scoped targets towards the targets (Takes central coordinate).
  • Backward: Moves scoped targets away from the targets (Takes central coordinate).
  • Up/Down/Left/Right: Moves scoped targets in set direction.

    • Return: Teleport user to their original position.

    Return sets the battler to their position on initialization of map sequences.

    • Animation: Play an animation on the user/targets

    Game designer may set the animation to play on user/targets.

    • Motion: User/targets will perform motion.

    Motion set must be configured for the actor/enemy map battler.

    • Execute: Executes the map action on the user/targets

    Can set custom animation. Can force use skill data or item data in which setting skill ID is the priority.

    • Screen: Do RPG Maker game screen effect.

    Can tint, flash, zoom or shake the screen.

    • Event: Run a common event.

    Map sequences will not run whilst event is active/running.

    • Code: Execute code via eval function.

    Requires JavaScript knowledge. Recommended to use YouTube tutorials to learn JavaScript.

    • Input: Check for input trigger. (Limited to default RPG Maker buttons).

    Modify RPG Maker game switch/variable based on the set valid button. Can set input for multiple checks or for single check. It is possible to setup a gauge for the duration and to have a graphic display during the check(s).

    Input will force a pause to the map action sequences.

    • Cutin: Generate an image on screen and move it around via sequence setup.

    Setup display sequences which can perform a move, scale, transparency or rotation action of the set image file.

    • Status: Apply a status effect to user/targets.

    Add states/buffs/debuffs to user/targets with an option to randomize the turn count.

    • Graphic: Show graphic on screen.

    Display image on screen (can be animated) for a certain frame count.

    • Audio: Play BGM, BGS, ME, SE.

    BGM and BGS will play in loop based on audio file settings (See how to setup RPG Maker audio file loop). ME and SE will play only once.

    • SwitchVariable: Modify RPG Maker game switch/variable.

    Modify game switches/variables directly.

    • Inherit: Takes motion data from another skill/item.

    Will only inherit from same datatype. If action is a skill, will inherit from $dataSkills. If action is an item, will inherit from $dataItems. It will take all configured map sequences for that skill/item and add them in at the point of this inheritance. If no map sequence is set, there will be no sequences to add.

    • Wait: Pauses sequence execution for set frame count.
    • Stop: Force ends the map action sequences.

    Updated 23 days ago


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    In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:

    Synrec_TBS_MapMotions.js 128 kB

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    Hi, I'm having trouble getting 1 skill to activate the assigned motions.


    Hello, can you post your map motions setup?

    Hi, here are the pictures

    When I execute the skill, the animation does not activate. I also tested if the animation worked by assigning it when it is in action mode, but the idea is that the animation plays when the skill is executed and only once, not repeatedly.

    Do you have your skill on repeat in the database?

    (1 edit)

    Hello, happy new year, I hope you had a good time with your loved ones.

    Now, to answer your question, there is no duplicate skill with the same name in the database.

    Is there any news for this problem?

    Can you send me a screenshot of the skill itself in the database?

    hi is there any more documentation or tutorials regarding map motions? 

    What would you like to know?

    I’m using mv, I’m trying to get my character to jump to enemy position but they dont move I configured the the jump, then attack motion and then execute 


    Can you send me a screenshot of the setup as well as a clip?

    will do when im able to thanks

    (1 edit)

    also is it possible with code configuration to set motions to character index of sprite sheets for all enemies and actors?

    or call common events?


    It would be better to use a single frame sheet and have the motion set to loop then call that